Friday, September 20, 2013

Lakeview Pantry Profile by RD

For my MDG's action project, I chose to research an organization that tries to reduce the number of people who suffer from hunger. I was studying MDG target number 1, which is to eradicate the number of people who suffer from hunger. To get a better understanding about this topic, I went to Lakeview Pantry. This pantry helps people get food, clothes and counseling. This made me realize that people in other countries are going through the same problems but they do not have access to that kind of help. I am very passionate about trying to end this problem and I plan on volunteering in the future.

Rd, Lakeview Pantry, Chicago, Illinois, 2013
Rd,Lakeview Pantry,Chicago, Illinois, 2013
The topic I chose was Target number one, which is to reduce the number of people who suffer from hunger. I chose this target because I feel very passionate about trying to end it. To be able to better understand the target, I went to Lakeview Pantry and talked to one of their executives, Erin Stephans. Lakeview Pantry addresses my target by distributing food to people who do not have access to it. Having food access is something that all humans need in order to survive. Lakeview Pantry not only tries to help end food hunger in the community, but it also tries to educate people about it. The organization believes if people are having a hard time trying to get food, chances are they are having a hard time with something else in life, and because of this they offer counseling for people to attend. Since this organization’s main focus is to help end hunger it would go under Malsow's physiological needs.

I talked to Erin Stephens, who is the director of the volunteering team and she said that they are able to access that human need by being open to donations, volunteering opportunities and also by fundraisers. Lakeview Pantry receives its food and produce through donations from Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. While at the pantry I asked Erin some questions that I thought would give me a better understanding of what she does to help this cause. One of the questions I asked her was, "what made her want to work there?" She responded by saying, her mother was a social worker, and all her life she had been surrounded in that kind of environment, and she knew when she got older she wanted to do the same by helping out others. Another question I asked was, "how does dealing and helping out in unfortunate cases and people affect her personal life?" She said it can be very hard on her at times, and there are days where work really stresses her out, but she is glad that her mom worked with social services for so many years because her mom is who helps her get through hard times at work since they can both relate to one another. I also asked her "how she liked working there", and with a big smile on her face she said she loved it, and it was a very rewarding job. Erin also said that having a very warm heart helps out a lot during work. One thing I really liked hearing from her was, “regardless of what I feel, I’m just happy to know that I help out so many people”(Stephans).Throughout this interview I was able to learn so many things. I learned that all kinds of people go to Lakeview Pantry, and not just "poor" people. Erin told me that many people who come in are not poor, but what they call “food insecure.” Food insecure describes people who have jobs, but after paying bills and other expenses they just don't have enough money for food. I also learned that the Pantry gets in about 100 people a day. The organization distributes 1.5 million pounds of food per year (Lakeview Pantry).

When I walked in and saw all the people waiting for their food I felt really bad. It made me feel guilty because I am always complaining about the food that I have at home, but the people at the Pantry are happy and grateful of whatever they can get. Erin also gave me a tour around the Pantry, and I was able to see where they kept all the food and produce and how hard volunteers and staff work to keep Lakeview Pantry the best place it can be. Thanks to this project I have a better understanding of how I, and many other people can do to help end world hunger.



Stephens, Erin. Personal Interview. 13 September. 2013.


Dorantes, Rebecca. Lakeview Pantry. 2013. Original Photograph. Chicago, Illinois.

Dorantes, Rebecca. Lakeview closet. 2013. Original Photograph. Chicago, Illinois.


"495,000 Chicagoans are suffering from food insecurity." Lakeview Pantry. 16 Sept. 2013 <>.

My Water Usage VS. Australia's Water Usage.

The purpose of this H2O project was to compare my daily water usage to Australia's daily water usage. In order to compare both, I had to record the number of gallons I use and research the number of gallons Australia uses. I thought it was very interesting finding out my own water usage because I never had a reason to do so before this project. I also had to find the closest water source to me and figure out how long it would take to carry my total amount of gallons (85)back to my house. This project taught me how hard people have to work in order to get clean water to drink and  how water is not always available to everyone.

On my poster the first thing I have is the title of my action project, which is “Save H20 mates”. I chose that title because I am comparing my daily water usage to Australia’s daily water usage. I divided up my poster into four categories. The first one shows my total daily water usage in gallons (85) and in a graph as percentages. The second box shows how many gallons Australia uses per capita (132) and its percents also. The third box shows the closest water source, which is the Chicago River(3.78 miles away) and how long it would take me to carry 85 gallons. According to my calculations it would take me about 170 hours to carry 85 gallons for 170 miles. The last box shows the differences between my water usage and Australia’s water usage.

There are many ways we can all save water and some of those ways are very easy. Since doing this project, I learned that I have been wasting unnecessary water. One easy step that I try to do every day, is trying to take a shorter shower. For me, Hygiene was the one thing that I kept wasting water on. Another way I can help lower the number of gallons I use for Hygiene is to turn off the water while i’m brushing my teeth. That would help save up to 10 gallons of water that i'm not even using.
I found out many interesting things about water usage around the world and Australia in particular during this project. One thing that I found really interesting was that I thought most of the water consumption in Australia would be for Yard work/ Agriculture purposes but it came out that the most water used was for Hygiene which was 54 gallons. I think they use that much water in Hygiene because they aren't as conscious about the water they use. I did not know much about water usage around the world before this project, but now that I do I will definitely be more responsible about the water I use.