Sunday, October 26, 2014

Can we handle an outbreak of an illness?

In the last unit in the Population class, which is called If/Then, the class went over the human population and tried to predict what the human population would be by 2050. We tried to predict with a method in math called geometric and arithmetic sequence. For our last action project, the class was asked to create a script discussing a topic that has something to do with the human population growth. The discussion had to include 2 viewpoints that was supported by evidence and real hard facts. To include the math in this project we went over, we used a geometric sequence to figure out what the human population would be in 2050. At first, I had a hard time using the geometric method, but then the whole class went over that part and I had a more clear understanding of how to use it. I also had a difficult time choosing a topic to discuss because there were so many good ones to go over. I was proud at how I went over this unit. When I had a hard time on one topic, I would take some time and go over that topic once again and just take time to focus. Thanks to this project, I now understand what the world could possibly look like if the human population became overwhelming.

Right now the human population is estimated to be about 7,125,000,000. By 2050 my class predicted that it could reach 10,715,465,520. We came up with this number by using a geometric sequence. The work is shown below.

AMK. Geometric Sequence. Photography. 2014

If the whole human population were to be crammed together in the city of L.A, many problems would develop along the way. One of those problems for example would be the outbreak of an illness. If you think of all the problems we already have in the world today, do you think we can handle an outbreak of an illness with the whole human population being so crammed together? Vaccines are available, but are also limited. That means people would be in a competition because everyone would want to get the best health care treatment they can possibly get, but its possible that since everyone wants a vaccine they can eventually run out.

Below I have a discussion between Kelly and Kate, going over the topic of the human population and the outbreak of an illness. At first they have different views, but when one goes over true facts, the other is leaning towards the other side.

Kate: Do you want this water?

Kelly: Nah. Just spill it out.

Kate: I think I’ll just drink it then.

Kelly: Why if you don’t want it?

Kate: It makes me feel guilty, because you know, there are many people that don’t have the access to it.

Kelly: True.

Kate: Did you know there are 3.4 million people who die in the world each year because they don’t have access to water, which can result to many diseases.(1) Not to mention that 1 million don’t have access to health care. (3)

Kelly: I know, but that usually happens in developing countries where the population of people is too much to handle and their aren't enough resources for people.

Kate: Well, put yourself in their shoes. Did you know that the whole human population can fit in the city of L.A? So imagine being stuck with 7125,000,000 people with the population reaching 10,715, 465, 520 by 2050 and maybe not having enough water and then people getting diseases while you have nowhere to go to get away?

Kelly: I mean like you said the whole human population would be in the same place, so why don’t the best doctors from around the world come up with new medicines and vaccines to cure these diseases?

Kate: They wouldn't be able to handle it! Like I said before millions are already dying and that’s with people using different water sources. If we used the same source eventually we would run out of it.

Kelly: Not true! Earth has enough quantities of water in our lakes, oceans, rivers and even in our atmosphere! (5)

Kate: Alright then. Well, think about the health care system? People from all over the world would be stuck together. That means that many people would be coming from countries with diseases like Malaria and yellow fever, which will catch on to people and then spread.

Kelly: But there are immunizations that fight against 27 diseases, plus there are also vaccines that are available to travelers that travel to countries that have diseases like Malaria and yellow fever. (2)

Kate: It wouldn't work! For example think about the Ebola outbreak that just made its way here.

Kelly: Exactly. Doctors are already coming up with vaccines for it.

Kate: Right. But only 4 people have been recorded having that disease here, and everyone is already feeling overwhelmed.

Kelly: The CDC and health care providers are preparing though. They know what to do. (4)

Kate: Not really. Think about it. 2 of those diagnosed people could have been prevented if the hospital was prepared enough.

Kelly: But eventually it’ll stop. Remember the swine flu? We got over it.

Kate: It’ll be hard to get over it when the whole human population is crammed together. Whatever bacteria and virus is in your body will have easy access to many other bodies that will just keep growing. Too many people die from illnesses in the world and this is without everyone being crammed together, so imagine the whole human population being contaminated in a large city, do you really think we would be able to handle this? 

Kelly: Maybe you’re right.


1. "" Waterorg. NP, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2014.
2. "Immunization Issues." Vaccines in Development. National Network for Immunization Information, n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2014.
3.Shah, Anup. "Health Issues." - Global Issues. N.p., 27 Sept. 2014. Web. 21 Oct. 2014.
4."Questions and Answers on Ebola." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 23 Oct. 2014. Web. 23 Oct. 2014.
5. Webster, Jim. "OLogy." OLogy. Ask A Scientist, n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2014.\

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Hero's journey

In the last unit in the Stories class, which is called Journeys, the class went over and learned about the steps that make up the journey of a hero. For our last action project, the class was asked to analyze a fictional hero and also interview a real life hero. We created a slideshow on paper presenting all the steps to the fictional hero’s journey, and created a transcript that holds the interview of our real life hero. Like my previous projects, it was tough choosing a hero to analyze, but after brainstorming many qualities that a hero needs, I easily was able to choose one. I was actually surprised that I enjoyed watching my hero’s movie all over again, all while writing about the different steps in her journey. While going through the steps I think I’ve noticed many things that I hadn’t noticed before. In the process of creating this project I had a tough time with the slideshow and trying to present the steps of the hero’s journey because I didn’t want to inaccurately represent what the hero went through. I got over that situation when I carefully went over the different steps and just took some time to focus, which is something that I’m proud of. Before this unit I didn’t even know that a hero had steps in their journey in order to become the hero they are today. Thanks to this unit and project I now have a better understanding of how an extraordinary journey can shape a person into a hero.

The two heroes who I chose were Mulan and my aunt IA, with Mulan obviously being the fictional hero and my aunt being my real life hero. I chose Mulan because although she is very clumsy and silly, she is still very brave. She stood up when she knew she needed to. Mulan was scared, but her courage gave her a chance to prove who she really was on the inside. Being surrounded by men who thought little of women must have been tough for her while fighting a battle, but at the end she ended up winning the battle and gaining victory for China again. I chose my aunt as a real life hero because of what she had to go through while battling Leukemia at a young age. Just like Mulan, my aunt was young when she had to become strong. Both were also very scared, but both were also very courageous.They went through many tough events before things got better, and it was because they both believed in themselves. Just like Mulan, my aunt won a battle that she didn’t think she would win in the beginning.

Below I have the slideshow on paper showing Mulan going through her journey into making her a hero. Which include the 8 steps of The call, Mentor, Crossing the threshold, Trials, Infinate Despair, Rebirth, Atonment, and The Return.

RD. Mulan's adventure. Photography. 2014 

Real life Hero Interview:
Q:What are some other reasons why others look up to you?
A: People look up to me because I'm a 2x cancer survivor. I started fighting cancer at the age of 19 and I didn't realize until then how strong of a person I really am.

Q:Who would you say most helped you decide what you wanted to do?
A: Dealing with what I went through being around nurses, doctors, and just being around the healthcare industry  helped me decide that I wanted to pursue a career in nursing, which is why I'm in nursing school now.
Q:Do you think this new job is for you?
A: I think nursing is for me because I know what is expected from a patient because I used to be one. It will be easy for me to empathize with other patients, and I want to give back to others what was given to me.

Q: Along your way, did you know anyone that was going through the same thing as you?
A: I never knew anyone going through the same thing I was going through, which made it pretty scary because I didn't know what was going to happen. But I had to remain strong and positive and hope for the best.

Q: What were the greatest challenges you’ve faced throughout your life?
A: The biggest challenge I faced was fighting for my life.
Q: How did it change you for the better?
A: It changed me for the better because it made me realize not to take life for granted. I saw this challenge as a little blessing in disguise, it made me appreciate everything in my life so much more.

Q: What did the challenge consist of?
A: The challenge consisted of fighting for my life, staying in the hospital for months, getting different treatments, all while trying to stay positive.

Q: What skills have you held on to that still help you today
A:Its taught me to keep my head up and to stay positive through everything. Not everything is as bad as it seems, and that other people are going through worse things.

Mulan. Dir. Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook. Prod. Pam Coats. 1998.
Mulan10. Mulan. Photograph. 2012
The-Corngobbler. Mulan Poster. Photograph. ND
Hazelnutsandcream. Mulan and Ling Shang. ND
Mulan in Armour. Photograph. ND

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Shiba Inu

In unit 2 in the Population class, which is called From/to, the class learned about the many differences that animals carry. We also went through Darwin and his theories on Natural Selection. The class went through the debate on evolution also. For our second action project we were assigned to choose an animal that we think will survive in Mars, based on the animal’s different traits. We made a video, saying why we think this animal will survive, and be the best fit for Mars. This also went over the topic of how some animals are more fit than others, which gives them a better chance to survive wherever they’re put. For the math portion of this unit, we went over central tendencies, box and whisker plot, and standard deviation. To include those in this project, we were assigned to choose an animal from a petshop and record data of the same species. I had a difficult time choosing an animal and figuring out why they would be the best fit, but after researching everything went well after. The math portion was easy once I collected all the data because the class would go over those topics until we were all confident with it. Thanks to this unit, I now have a more clear understanding of how the many different traits that animals carry help them survive, and be more fit than other animals.

Mars is a dusty, dry, and cold place. But underneath all the rocky surface there is ice. That means that there at least had to be some source of water at some time. Scientist are wondering still if the ice came from precipitation or if it bubbled up from a surface. As scientist began their research, they discovered that Mars could have once been a tiny snow globe. The far distance from the sun is a result of the harsh, cold weather. Also Mars having no clouds to trap heat in results in cold weather ,too. Mars is covered with rocks and ice caps. With that being said, an animal with a thin fur coat would not be strong enough to handle the climate. Also the thinner the animal, the less it would be protected. Chubby animals have more fat on them to keep them warm, whereas thinner animals would not have enough fat. Longer hair would also be able to protect the animal like a blanket, while shorter hair wouldn’t be much protection.

I chose a Shiba Inu. This breed is native to Japan’s mountainous area, which means they are good hunters, and do well in cold weather. They are also #4 on the best dogs that adapt well to cold weather, because of their thick fur.  

Many dogs have the ability to adapt well to cold weather, but none do it as good as a Shiba Inu. A Shiba Inu is a great candidate for a chance to go to mars, because of its great ability to easily adapt to the cold weather.The word Shiba means brushwood in japanese, which either is after their hunting terrain or after the brushwood leaves. Although small, they are excellent hunters. Their size actually is beneficial to them, because it gives them better access to harder to get places. They are native to Japan’s mountainous area, which means they’re very used to the cold, and strong enough to handle the conditions that they’ll face.They have a coat that is double coated, with the outer coat being stiff, and straight, while the undercoat is soft and thick. I would place a Shiba Inu, in a location by ice caps. It would be quicker for them to adapt with it, because they have a love for the snow and ice. That also means that while on Mars they would stay active and alert, because of how much physical activity they’ll be gaining while playing by the ice caps.

Below I have the data that I collected from happiness is There I recorded the weights of many different dogs.

Bittie- Pitbull terrier- 50lb
Brita- American Staffordshire Terrier- 40 lb
Josie-  Pitbull mix- 43 lb
Luigi- Border Terrier mix- 10lb
Rico- Lab mix- 56 lb
Una- Pitbull terrier mix- 30lb
Winona- Pitbull mix- 35 lb
Mookie- Shepherd mix- 54 lb
Rock- Shepherd mix-52 lb
Mario- Cairn terrier mix- 13lb
Franny- Cairn terrier mix- 11lb
Herman Chihuahua- 15lb
Shiba Inu- 18lb

I then found the central tendencies of my data.  
central tendecies

I drew out a box and whisker plot showing my data also.

I also calculated the standards deviation of my data. The Shiba Inu is only 18 LBS. This means it is 17.66 standard deviations below the mean of 32.84.
standard deviation.jpg

"Who's laughing now?"

In unit 2 for the Stories class, which is called Lessons, the class learned about the many lessons that stories carry. We learned that these type of stories are called fables. Throughout the class, we read many different fables and tried to figure out the morals that they hold. For our second unit action project, we were assigned to write our own fable, choosing a moral that is personally important. I decided to write about a blue-tailed skink, who has a hard time adjusting, and getting along with her peers, because of the way she looks. We were also assigned to illustrate our main character in the story. At first I had a hard time thinking about an animal I can use to send out the message of my moral, but with a little help from my teacher I was able to choose a unique and perfect animal. It also took me awhile to come up with a moral that I find important, but once I chose my animal, a moral that I care about came easily to me. The purpose of this project was to give us a chance to send out a message while still making it entertaining to read about. I’m proud that I chose a moral that is important to me, and how I chose an animal that is unique, which can be harder at times. I enjoyed reading the different fables we went through in this unit, and figuring out the morals they hold. It was also fun getting to hear how my classmates interpreted the stories, because some were different from the way I saw it. Thanks to this project, I now enjoy reading fables, and know what the essential parts are, in order to write a fable.
Aqua, a blue-tailed skink ,was a very clever, but introverted girl. She was named for the color of her tail, a bright, yet soothing blue. It’s something she should flaunt, but since it stood out so much , she would get stares and dirty looks. So when she moved to Baja, California, she had a rough time adjusting. Aqua is not very social for a 16 year old - something she was okay with - but she wanted some excitement. I want to have fun this summer, she thought, as she looked in the mirror. When she went downstairs to the living room where her mom was sitting, she told her what she wanted to do about herself. “Well ,why don’t you go to Camp Reptilia?” her mom suggested, “It’ll give you many opportunities to break out of your shell.”

Aqua mumbled to herself in a sarcastic tone, “that sounds like a perfect idea, except that I’ll look like a freak with a small body, yet flashy tail, next to all the big, mean looking western chuckwallas.” Baja, California is heavily populated with western chuckwallas,something that Aqua was afraid of, because they’re not the friendliest of reptiles. Aqua went to her room to seriously think about it. Her mom could even tell she was considering the idea, so she printed out an ad for the camp, and slid it under Aqua’s door. It was a basic, cheesy ad cover, with western chuckwallas laughing while planting some flowers. The fake cover, matched their fake, “welcoming”, personalities. 

After hours of debating, she finally made up her mind. “I’m going to go!” she shouted to her mom. Her mom crawled her way towards Aqua with a huge hug. “I’m so proud of you!” her mom exclaimed.
RD. Blue tailed skink. Photography. 2014

The next week was chaotic, while preparing for camp. The next thing Aqua knew, she was in front of Camp Reptilia. Nervous and excited, she stood there with her bags, already feeling unwelcomed by the western chuckwallas passing by. ”I got this!” she thought to herself, letting them pass by, while she had a sassy, but nervous smirk on her face. There weren’t any blue-tailed skinks in the camp, so she was alone.  Aqua was used to being alone, so she enjoyed having her own company.But of course she still wanted to have fun because that was the point of joining camp. The only problem is that everyone seemed the same to her. All they do is sit and talk about pointless subjects, and make fun of others. Aqua  crawled by and heard nothing but whispers, laughs, and see the smirks of the others. But she still didn’t understand why.Her tail protected her, and she thought it was a nice color, in fact she loved it. Her tail is what made her Aqua. It was just the selfish thought of being laughed at and judged that bothered her.

Her mind got so stuck on the thought of being like the others, that she bought a skirt that would cover her tail. But of course this time she gets more stares. Even she knew that she looked foolish. Aqua crawled back to her room with no luck of socializing with someone interesting. She was just about to watch some TV when all of the sudden she heard some screams. Startled, she quickly crawled outside and saw that the rival camp, Camp Snake, had barged in. All the western chuckwallas ran as fast as they could hiding , and letting out cries, like chickens. They weren’t laughing, or making fun now. When a snake saw Aqua, he was determined to eat her. “Sorry, but no way!” Aqua yelled. She didn’t scream or cry. She simply used her unique power of being able to pop her tail off. The snake was so surprised and mesmerized, that he just sat there not knowing what to do next. Aqua was feeling proud, because that’s exactly what she expected from the snake. It was almost silent, she could still hear some sobbing from the western chuckwallas, while they were all staring at her. They were envious of her t escape. As they were sitting there feeling salty and embarrassed, they were thinking about all the times they had made fun of her for her tail, and for the times they would give her an uneasy time when she was trying to get to know them. “Who’s laughing now?” she asked, as she casually crawled back to her dorm.
RD. Western Chuckwalla. Photography. 2014