In unit 4 for my
Who am I? class, we learned about our dreams and the meanings behind them. We were able to explore and analyze many dreams and try to find some of the hidden messages behind them. For the fourth action project we were assigned to build our own dream catcher. I enjoyed being able to analyze my own dream with a partner, and trying to find the different meanings behind it. I wanted to include the different meanings and feelings behind my dream in my dream catcher, but since I have never built one before and, because I did not know how to portray them well enough, it was difficult. I was proud at how I handled that situation.
RD. Photography. Comfort. 2014 |
In the center of my dream catcher I have one little feather, that I had as a necklace. Whenever I had that necklace on I felt safe for some reason, and that's exactly what I wanted the center of my dream catcher to symbolize, safety, and love. I want feelings of joy, happiness, power and comfort to pass through. While I sleep I know that the dreams I am having are sent from my unconscious, and I certainty want those kind of messages to be filled with those elements. I chose the colors of black, and many shades of blue because black symbolizes many different things like power and elegance, but also evilness, mystery and fear. Most of those elements contribute to my dream that I was able to analyze, which I want those to be filtered out by my dream catcher. I chose the many shades of blue because that color represents confidence, safety, and calmness, things that I want passed on in my dream catcher. I also went over the clear sinew with black sinew on two of them representing the two times I had the same dream.
RD. Photography. Feather. 2014. |
The one dream that has really affected me, to the point where I chose it to do a dream catcher about went like this:
I was sleeping in my bedroom, and suddenly I would hear a noise. I turn to my phone to check the time, which was 2:33 a.m.The noise was the sound of footsteps. Right away I freak out because I know everyone in my house is sleeping and my sister was sleeping right next to me, so I know it couldn't be her. Even though I am scared I look by my bedroom door and all I see is someone or something pacing back and forth in front of my room. I cannot see what it is, all I see is a shadow. From there I get a very nervous and scared feeling. Even though I am scared to death I couldn't resist getting up and I holding the doorknob to try to open the door as quietly as I can, but the person is holding it. I know that person was trying to come in, so I hold the door as tightly as I can. It was almost like we were fighting. I shout for my mom, but when I do, nothing comes out, or its not loud enough. I eventually give up, because the person is way stronger than me, and let them in my room.
If I could go back to that dream, then I would hold onto the door handle longer and stronger, so the stranger would not have gotten in. If I would not have panicked so much, then maybe I would not have let the person in. This dream really opened me up to looking at my life. If this dream was sending me a message or lesson it would be that something in my life is probably scaring me or bothering me, and I'm not strong enough to fight it off. Which is why I wrapped the ring in black to show mystery and fear. I want to be able to to let go of that, and bring in confidence and calmness into my life.
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